Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tulip Festival 2010

It is Tulip time. Yesterday we took Grandma Meanea to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. If you have never been, you should go one year, it is quite the sight. But you need to go at the right time.
Yesterday was perfect. Weather was wonderful and the tulips were out in full force. The only down side was that everyone else had the same idea and there were a lot of people there, but we still had a good time.
We have been going to the Tulip Festival since Trey was 2. It has been fun to go through the years and add kids to bring to see the flowers.

Cute kids, yep, I claim them!

The Marshall train, choo choo!
Brett in front, Ellie in the middle and Trey bringing up the back.

It was fun to come across this water snake. (or whatever it is!)
Brett and Ellie had a good time trying to get close to it.

Happy Boy!

Taking a snack break.

Update on Trey

Trey has worked himself up to a full day of school and riding the bus both in the morning and in the afternoon.
On the 14th, I believe, was the first day he went back to school. It was just for about 3 hours but he was happy to be back. At that point he was still uncomfortable sitting in his chair at times and I finally thought of putting a little pillow in the seat of his chair to give him some more padding for his bum and hips. It worked wonders and he has been so much happier in his chair.
So from the 14th on I've been working him back up to a complete day of school and that was today. The day went well, but I could tell he was tired and glad to be home.
He has another follow up with the surgeon the middle of May and until then he is not supposed to do any physical therapy until she gives the go ahead.
So he is doing really well right now and seems to have adjusted a little more to his new hips.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Meet Molly

Hi, my name is Molly and I was adopted by the Marshall family on April 16, 2010. We will celebrate that day as my birthday. I am a 4 year old Australian Shepherd and so far I like my new family. Even the loud 2 year old little girl that keeps squealing in delight at me. There is a 4 year old boy who keeps wanting me to follow him around, but we do really have fun playing in the yard together. And there is this special little boy, he is 7 (almost 8), he is quiet and happy and in a wheelchair. I have a feeling that I will become close to him.
I'm excited to have a new family and I hope to meet my new extended family soon.
Love Molly

"Oh, I think I saw something in the backyard!" Paul said.

It's a doggy, I think she wants to be our doggy!

Yes, we finally dived back in to owning dog. It was a big step for us and a little bit of an emotional one since we lost Lucky almost 4 years ago. We opened up the doggy doors and teach her how to use them, just like we had to teach Lucky.
Last night after the kids were in bed Paul and I were sitting watching TV and Molly went in and out of the doggy door and hearing the paws on the floor, bought back a flood of memories. She even sprawls out on the floor like Lucky did. Molly has a great temperament, especially with the kids. Paul did a great job picking her out.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Trey gets early parole!

On Monday April 5th when I was changing Trey's diaper I noticed a pressure sore that had developed on his tail bone from the cast. He had been uncomfortable the last couple of days especially when we moved him, now we knew why.
So I spoke with the Medical Assistant to the surgeon who did the surgery and she said that it needed to be looked at, but I didn't want to make him endure a trip laying on his back up to Primary's. So we decided to take him in to Provo to his pediatrician's office. Sue Ann (the nurse practitioner, and she is great) looked at the sore and called the medical assistant. It was decided that Sue Ann would cut a portion of the cast away so the sore wouldn't have that pressure on it anymore. Paul and I had given Trey a pain med earlier so he was ok during this visit, but we could tell when we put him back in his chair that he was relieved the sore was not on the cast anymore.
So the rest of Monday and Tuesday Trey spent the majority of his time on his tummy to let that sore start to heal and rest.
Wednesday early morning Paul, Trey and I headed up to the surgeon's office at Primary's so the doctor could look at the sore and take an xray to see if his hips were healed enough to take the cast off. They also didn't want any other sores to start somewhere else under the cast.
The xray came back good so the medical assistant cut the cast off.

"Look Trey, here's your cast!"
Good riddance!!!!!!!!
So this last week Trey has had to adjust to bring out of the cast, feeling different hips, and dealing with muscle spasms, and sore and tight muscles.
Today, Wednesday 14th, I took him to school and he has been there a couple of hours and no phone calls so I guess he is ok. We are headed over to pick him up, I don't think he is up for a full day and really not ready for a bus ride.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Easter Everyone

Coloring eggs on Saturday.

The supervisor making sure the eggs got done right.

Easter Baskets Sunday morning.

Hunting for eggs!

Got it!

Beautiful Easter morning! Can you see the birds on the road?

Hungry Hippos! There where 5 balls lost by the end of the day. :)

Trey slept most the day, wasn't feeling the best so we let him be.

Playing in the snow before it melts.


I'm so strong.

King of the snow.

Angel of the snow.

Look who woke up, but not too cheerful.

One yummy brined, smoked turkey. Paul made us a wonderful Easter dinner. Thanks babe, your the best!