Friday, February 24, 2012

Kindy 500

On the 16th the Kindergarten classes at the elementary did what they called "The Kindy 500".  We were to make Brett a car from a box that he could carry around to different rooms with him.  We started a couple of days before hand, and decided to try to make it look as much like BumbleBee as we could.  Well, we did the best we could, it is a card board box after all. :)  We covered it in yellow construction paper (Thanks Ellie for the paper) and put the black stripes on and I printed out the Autobot logo to put on the sides.  Paul and Brett made the Chevrolet logo for the grill area and Brett did the wheels all by himself.  I think it turned out good.
Brett with his classmates going down the hall to their first stop on the Kindy 500.  At the different stops the kids learned about American Symbols, like the White House, Lincoln Memorial, Statue of Liberty, the Liberty Bell, the American Flag, Mount Rushmore and the Bald Eagle.
Brett came home and told me all about it and how much fun he had!

A boy and his Legos

Ellie's 4th Bday Part 2

Here are some pictures of her from that night when we did our family part for her.
Her cake, incase you can't tell it is a purple crayon.  Purple is her favorite color and the crayon is for the fact she love to draw and color.

New Playdoh
Hair Accessories
OH Boy, what is in here?
A pretty princess nightgown.
As with any kid you really don't know what they will totally love and what they won't.  I thought she would like this nightgown but I underestimated.  Ellie loves this nightgown, wears it every chance she gets and it is very hard to get her out of it to get dressed for the day, which sometimes doesn't happen if we aren't going anywhere that day.  :)
Happy Birthday my Angel.

Ellie's 4th Bday

Crazy I know! Ellie is 4!
Paul and I like to do something special with the birthday kid, this year I had a hard time coming up with something for Ellie.  She's not really into dolls, girly frill frill stuff, so where do we take her?  So like at Christmas time we restort back to what she loves to do right now.  Being artistic.
Color Me Mine here we come.

Here Ellie is eating lunch with us at Marley's.
After much looking at all the things they had to paint, and after mom and dad trying to guide her to something little girlish, this is watch she chose.  Donald Duck, really?
Yep, go figure huh.  She hardly knows who he is but that is what she wanted. :)
She loved painting Donald, and seeing her art work at the end. 
Happy Birthday Ellie, we love you.

Christy's Photography Workshop

The past year and a half I have been furthering my photography interest.  Mainly teaching myself the settings on my camera, terminology, composition, lighting, shooting in manual instead of auto.  A few months ago I wanted to take a workshop so that I could talk to, ask questions, and gain personal experience with a professional photographer. 
So a saturday in January I drove up to Sandy and went to this workshop.  It was good and I learned things that I had been unsure of, especially shooting manually.
As part of the workshop we did a photo shoot with some kids that the photographer knew and had come down.  Really cute kids that were not afraid of the camera!  Here are just a few of the pictures I took that day.

My 35th Birthday! Jan. 17

Yep, I'm thirty five, I have no problem saying that. :)
Here are my adorable kids with the cupcakes they made with Grandma Meanea for me on my birthday.  The little candles spell out Happy Birthday.
They were so sweet to make my day special.