Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snow Boy

For my first blog entry I would like to dedicate to my little boy, Brett. Who like his mother, loves the SNOW! We finally received a good snow storm and here it is mid-December. Brett's checks were nice and pink when he came in from helping Paul remove some of the snow. Brett and Paul enjoyed a nice cup of hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows.


Tanya said...

I'm just glad it snowed so that I can finally feel like its Christmas - I haven't been out of the house in two days, but I'm glad it snowed. :)

Amy Hanosek said...

Your boys are just so gorgeous, I'm excited you are finally starting a blog!

John said...

Christy, this is a first for me. I have never left a comment on a blog before. You have taken me into new territory. Alice asked me if blogging was legal??? We are pretty lame with this stuff, but it is great to see Brett playing out in the snow. We had our storm yesterday and last night, 18" of snow. Happy Blogging!

Elise said...

How much fun! We are excited to come and see you sometime over these next few days!