Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Ellie!

Today is my sweet angel's 1st birthday. I can't believe it, this year has gone so fast. She brings such joy and love into our hearts and home. Baby no more by age but she will always be my baby! We love you Ellie, Happy 1st birthday!

Happy Birthday to ME!

I had a great birthday thanks to my family.

My kids and hubby took me to Dairy Queen the night before, I have a weakness for the Snickers Blizzard or the Chocolate Extreme Blizzard. Yummy! This time I got the Chocolate Extreme.
Saturday I went and got a massage, it was so good and relaxing. I've never had an hour go as fast as when I am getting a massage.
Saturday night Paul took me out to Gloria's Little Italy and then to see the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".
We like Gloria's food, especially the desserts and the movie was good. So thanks for a great birthday!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh - Recap - January 18, 2009 - ESPN

Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh - Recap - January 18, 2009 - ESPN: "Baltimore 14, Pittsburgh 23"

Yes, I have one very happy husband right now. Now we have two weeks of hearing "The Steelers are going to the SuperBowl!" But that is ok, I would rather hear that than the sad little whimpers if they had lost tonight.
Congrats to the Steelers!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

There is Beauty All Around

This is Maple Mountian at sunset. This is what I have the pleasure of looking at every night. I am so lucky! I don't think the picture does it justice, but you get the idea.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snuggles by Trey

Our favorite past time: Snuggling!
Since the first time I held Trey in the NICU (weeks after he was born) we have loved to snuggle. He is great at snuggling, he just sinks and melts right into you. Even when I was pregnant with Brett and then Ellie, we found a way to snuggle, we couldn't give up our snuggles.
This week Trey is having a really good week and is our happy Trey boy. This is when I get the best snuggles, after he comes home from school we try to get a snuggle in and he can tell me about his day at school and the bus rides.
So here is a challenge to all of you, find someone or something to snuggle for at least 5 minutes a day. It does wonders for your soul!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sledding Sons!

On Thursday Brett and I went sledding at a local park with a neighbor friend, Elijah and his mom, Allaire.
We had so much fun. I don't care how old you get, sledding is great and it makes you feel like a kid again. This was the first time Brett ever went sledding and he was awesome and wanted to keep going and going. He could have stayed out all day if he didn't get so tired walking back up the hill after each run.
Thank goodness for my IPhone so I could get these pictures because I forgot my digital camera.
"Here we go!" The boys sledding by themselves.
Hiking up the hill after a run down on the sled with Eli's mom.
"Best Buds!" Brett and Elijah
"I'm going to get you mom!"