Saturday, June 20, 2009

Baby Birds

This spring we had a moma Kill Deer bird make her nest in the bark out by the kids swing set.
Brett had a fun time chasing the bird around, we never showed him where the nest was until the last bird was hatched. It was fun to check on the nest once in awhile to see if they had hatched, it seemed like it took forever. There was four eggs in all and and this little guy was tail end charlie. I'm glad they are gone though, we finally got to weed the play area with out giving the poor moma bird a heart attack and we don't have to worry about the kids finding the nest or bothering the birds anymore.

This is the papa bird helping the moma distract us mean giant humans from the baby birds and the nest.

This is the moma bird slowly making her way back to the nest, making sure the coast is clear that she won't lead us to her babies.

The Kill Deer birds are so interesting to watch when they have eggs in a nest. We had a nest a few years ago in the area that is now Trey's garden.
So before the eggs are hatched the birds will fly away from the nest and cause attention to themselves by acting like they are hurt and can't fly, thus distracting us from the nest. Oh man are they noisy too!
But once those eggs hatch it is a different ball game. They will drive bomb at you and run at you if you even think about getting close to the nest. Luckily for everyone involved the birds are ready to fly and leave within a day or two at the most.

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