Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wow, what a week

So a week ago today Paul and I left for Denver in the late morning. We had tickets to the Monday night football game, Steelers at the Broncos. (I'll post pictures later)
Later that night my mom calls me and tells me that her and Chris are taking Trey into the after hours doctor. He is just not comfortable, doesn't want to snuggle with Grandma which you know when something is wrong when he doesn't want to snuggle, he had developed a fever, and his breathing has become a little labored.
I started to worry because I wasn't there with him and wasn't with him at the doctors to answer any questions. The moms and Paul try to reassure me that let's just see what the doctor says before I get too worried.
The doctor says, strep throat and sends him over to the hospital for an x-ray on his chest. They then admit him to the pediatric floor for the strep and pneumonia. So here I am in Denver and my boy is now in the hospital fighting pneumonia. I felt awful I wasn't there with him.
I'm so thankful for my mom and mother-in-law that took such good care of Trey, Brett and Ellie while Paul and I were in Denver.
The moms, the doctors, and nurses all told me to stay in Denver for the game on Monday night.
I couldn't have been more anxious to get to the hospital Tuesday afternoon when I flew into Salt Lake City. My mom had been there with Trey since Sunday night and Paul's mom was with the other kids at home.
After 5 days of traveling, juggling kids, juggling time at the hospital, etc. Trey got well enough to come home Friday afternoon. He was so tired of being there, he would get irritated when a nurse or doctor came in. When we got him home Brett was really happy to see him, Ellie didn't know what was going on except for the fact that mommy wasn't there, then was, then wasn't again. Brett sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to Trey and it made Trey so happy! It was good to see him laugh and smile like his old self.
It was a crazy week and hopefully this next week is much slower!


The Eyre's said...

I'm so sorry Christy. We are so lucky to have such wonderful moms and dads to help us with our sweet little ones. I hope everything has settled down again.

ALICIA said...

Wow Christy! Glad he's ok. Hope you were able to enjoy your football game too.

Bugg's mama said...

Oh, my goodness. That's Lame! Especially when you're on a trip trying to enjoy yourself! It is so wonderful to have great moms, though.

Pat said...

And on top of all that---her beloved Broncos lost!!!

At least she got some time with her hubby. And the kids were really in good hands.

But I am sorry, Christy, that you weren't able to enjoy the trip like you wanted to.