Sunday, February 28, 2010

Back Online

So I think I have everything squared away with my laptop now. It was interesting there for a couple of days, not only did my hard drive fail, my external drive which had all my data on it decided to give me a scare and stop working before I got my data transferred over to the new hard drive in my laptop. I was physically sick for 24 hrs, I thought I had lost everything. My pictures! My video clips! But my sweet hubby took it up on Friday to have it looked at, he took it for me so I wouldn't have to lug the three kids into Best Buy with me. The Geek Squad guy gave him the best news ever! "The driver for the external case has gone bad, the hard drive inside is just fine. You just need a new case!"
I can not tell you how relieved I was when Paul called and told me.
Learned a couple of lessons, back up more frequently and have two ways to back up your precious info!

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