Tuesday, August 3, 2010

George Family Reunion 2010

Last weekend of July, it's time for the Bert and Bonnie George Family Reunion.
This year we went to Cub River Ranch, just outside of Preston, ID. We had never been to this location before, but I enjoyed it and the facilities were good.
We had a good amount of activity time and then just free/relax time. I really enjoyed myself and my family did too.
Thanks to mom and dad, you put on a wonderful reunion!

Kids singing a primary song at the start of the variety show.

Ellie with cousin Emily in the swimming pool.

Here we are, the George clan!

See you in Seattle in 2012!

24th of July

Pioneer Day came on a Saturday this year. Trey and Brett (and me) were in the parade with the 16th ward primary kids. Brett rode on the float and I held Trey on my lap in the rhino that was pulling the float. Both Trey and Brett had a good time. Paul and Ellie watched the parade then came and got us at the end of the parade route.
We then met up with Grandma Marshall and cousins Chase, Sammie and Jessie at the park for games and activities and of coarse, food!
Naps were in order for us all when we got home. Mid afternoon the Willson's came. Zeke, Maddux, Brett and Ellie sure did enjoy playing together. Paul made a fun water sprayer out of PVC pipe and hooks up to the hose or sprinkling system. They had fun playing in that.
We hosted our annual dinner and fireworks show that night. We sure missed a lot of people but we now it can't work for everyone to come very year.
Paul made some wonderful smoked pork, coleslaw, smoked almonds, etc. for dinner. Good stuff!
The fireworks where really great this year. I'm including a clip, this clip is great so you can imagine how amazing the rest of the show was.
Hope you all can make it next year!

Quick Trip to NYC

So my wonderful husband made arrangements for me to come out to NYC to meet him. He was already there for business and his meeting on Friday got canceled so he flew me out Thursday and we spend Thursday evening through Saturday late afternoon in the city. It was a quick trip, but just the break I needed.
Paul, you're the BEST! I love you.

This is the view coming away from Ellis Island looking toward NYC.

Paul in the Registry Room. After visas, green cards, etc. started going through US embassies the use of Ellis island came to an end. The buildings and grounds where left abandoned and in ruins for many decades. The main building was restored and Ellis Island opened to tourists in 1990.
The Registry Room is beautiful.

You can see Lady Liberty through the one side of the Registry Room doors and windows.


For the many times that Paul and I have been to New York City we have never been out to the Statue of Liberty or Ellis Island together. Riding the ferry was nice to have the breeze from the open waters instead of the stifling heat and humidity of the city. (NYC was in a heat wave plus more than normal high humidity.)
We did not go up in the base or the Statue (they reopened the statue just over a year ago), long lines. But it was amazing just to walk around it and be next to it.

Empire State Building at dusk.

Swim Lessons

Brett had swim lessons in July and he loved it (again) and did well. Here is a picture of him underwater.

Ellie and I had a mom and tot swim group and though she was a bit hesitant at first but she soon loved the water and didn't mind going under a few times. She needs to work on keeping her mouth closed as you can tell in the picture.