Friday, May 27, 2011

Look at my crazy teeth :)

May 18, 2011
Here is a story of a boy named Brett. Brett was 5 and very handsome. One day when this boy went to the dentist his mom and dad where told that he had an extra tooth. What!
Yep, an extra tooth, coming straight down in between his two front teeth. That would explain the gap becoming bigger over the last few months.
Plus this boy wacked his mouth on the swing set bar a couple of weeks before the dentist appointment and loosened his front tooth and shifted it over a little too.
The teeth have to come out or it will cause problems for his permanent teeth. "I also need to take out the two teeth next to the front teeth because the x-ray is showing the permanent front two teeth are bigger then the space that is there now." said the dentist.
That is a total of 5 teeth that need to go.

So Brett had his mommy take a picture of him the day before the teeth were pulled.
The day came, teeth pulling time. Brett was a little nervous but his dad helped distract him by trying to guess what the tooth fairy might bring for 5 teeth all at once.
Brett did great and it was over before we knew it. Even his mom and dad were surprised, they thought it was going to take some time.
Brett recovered really fast, felt good soon, no pain, and he went to his last day of preschool the next day.
A picture of Brett with out his teeth will be posted soon.

May 27th, today he lost another tooth. One of his bottom ones had become loose fast and I was able to wiggle it a little and pull it right out! The tooth fairy makes another visit tonight.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Brett's Preschool Graduation

May 17, 2011
Brett's Preschool Graduation
For three years now Brett has been going a school districts preschool and been receiving services for Speech and Cognitive Delays. He has grown leaps and bounds and being with peers and receiving those services has helped him so much. In fact, he has tested now at above his age level, which means he will be put into a regular kindergarten class in the coming fall. He is super excited to start preschool in a brand new school not too far from our home. (That whole situation is a big long story:)
The theme of the graduation was,
Rumble in the Jungle

Singing a song and doing the actions.

"Hello, I'm a big happy Hippo
I sleep in the sun til I'm hot
When I'm not sleeping
I mooch in the mud
Which Hippo's like doing a lot"
He said he part perfectly, he had it memorized for two weeks before hand.

Getting his dipolma.

Grandpa Marshall came to see his graduation.

Brett with his teacher, Ms. Dixie to the right. Ms. Terresa is next to him on the left then Ms. Lacy.

Ms. Dixie and Ms. Terresa where there at the preschool when Trey was there, now they've had Brett and next fall they are getting Ellie. Ellie will be a tuition student and will not have any services like Trey and Brett did. More like a typical preschool for her.

Brett's First Tball game

Here are pictures from Brett's first Tball game. The games are so fun to watch and the kids have fun.

Isn't she beautiful?

"I'm ready"

On opening day our city does a little parade with all the teams in it. It is fun for the kids to be in the parade.

Spring has Sprung in our Yard

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was great, although a few of us were sick. Paul took Brett into Primary so he could give his talk.
Paul and the kids were so great to me. Of coarse they are great to me all the time but today was especially nice.

The Young Womens in our ward did these flowers for a fundraiser for camp. I loved them, it was so cute. I got to enjoy them only for the morning because the afternoon brought a nasty rain storm. :(

Big Girl Bed

Ellie has moved on from her toddler bed into a big girl bed. Paul took her to the store to pick it up and she helped put it together. :)

She has done really well sleeping in it and has only rolled out once or twice. :)

Bye Bye Old Wheelchair

Here is Trey old wheelchair getting ready to go to it's new home up at Shriners Hospital in SLC. It served Trey well for many years but now it is time for someone else to use it.

Trey is not upset that his chair is leaving, he was not having a good week and was real mad and irritable about something.

Bye Bye chair

Dancing Nieces

Allyse and Emily had a dance competition in Provo and so mom, Dave, Ellie, and I went to go watch they solo dances Friday night. They both did a wonderful job and Ellie loved every minute of it, she really likes to dance these days. I need to sign her up for a class.

Tulip Festival

Here are some pictures from our annual trip to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point Garden.

Trey is a SuperStar

On April 27, 2011 Maple Mountain High School held the first annual Nebo SuperStars track meet.
Races, softball throw, long jump and high jump events were held. And most important of all the 400m wheelchair race, which the one and only Trey Marshall was in.

Some of the kids getting ready to race.

Trey with his aide, Jane.

Trey and his buddy, Cody, trash talking about who is going to win the race!

And their off, you can't really see it but Trey is smiling.

Go Trey!

It's a tight race!

Getting closer.

Across the finsih line.

Little bro and sis with their SuperStar brother.

Thanks Maple Mountain High! We had a great time.

Trey with his friend, Alex, who he has known since way back in Early Intervention.

I do have to say that I got a little choked up at times watching this track meet. It was absolutely amazing to watch these kids feel so important and happy doing these events. And as a mom of a special needs child it means the world to me that people make an effort, take the time, and engery to do something like this. It makes me so happy to see my child be able to participate in activities like this.

So to those of you who read this blog I would ask you to look at what you can do to help a child whether or not that child has special needs. It can be something small, because even though it may seem small to you, it is a big deal to that child.