Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Disclaimer - Grandma Meanea, you may not want to read this post!
June 11, 2011
After Trey's friend party we headed up the canyon with some friends to go camping. We had a wonderful time, except for one mishap, I'll explain that later.

Team work!

We fit the motor home and their trailer and truck in a double site. It was a tight fit but it worked.

My handsome boy loving being out in the fresh air and trees in the mountains.

Did someone put you in TimeOut?

Me and my girl!

So here is the mishap, Brett cut his head open here is the story.

"Dad, can I go ride bikes with Trevan and Gabby?"

"yes, but do not ride through the water."

"OK Dad"

Two minutes later Paul gets the distinct feeling that he should walk a few camp sites down and check on Brett. Drew, our friend, heads down with him. Paul is pushing Trey's wheelchair.

Sure enough Brett is riding his bike through the water that is running across the road.
When I took this picture above it was the following day and the water had actually gone down a little from the previous day.

Brett gets half way across and decides he will turn back. Paul can see what is going to happen so he puts Trey's wheelchair break on, (thank goodness because he said he didn't remember putting the break on) Paul starts running towards Brett.

As Brett is making the turn he turns right off the edge of the bridge, he didn't make the turn sharp enough and the water didn't help as it was pushing him.

Off he goes! Brett manages to hang on to a branch but the water is cold and pushing him down. Paul jumps down into the water fall and gets to Brett just as Brett lets go of the branch, there is probably still 6 feet below of the water fall.

The water is coming fast and Brett and Paul are probably about 4 feet from the top and good thing our friend Drew was there, Paul was able to lift Brett up to him at the top but he wouldn't have been able to do it alone.

Paul grabs the bike and they head back toward camp. Mean while, Trevan, Drew's son that is Trey's age comes riding his bike back to camp and tells me that Brett just got hurt real bad. I make sure Ellie is with Drew's wife and girls and start running down to where they were.

Their on their way up so I didn't even see the water or the water fall until the next day.

Brett was soaking wet and bloody but once we got him in the motor home and out of the cold wet clothes and some of the blood cleaned up we could tell he would not need stitches.

Brett was very shaken up over the whole thing and was so greatful to his daddy for saving his life and he was very aware of his angels watching over him. In fact, Paul and Brett borrowed Drew's truck to come back to the house (we were only 20 minutes away camping) and took showers and got clean dry clothes. Brett said to him while they were here at the house, "Daddy I think we should say a prayer and say thanks for the angels watching over me."

Good idea buddy!

I'm so grateful for my husband and him listening and acting upon the prompting that he felt. This could have turned out so badly. I'm grateful for all of Brett's angels and Heavenly Father watching over him. He learned a big lesson and so did the rest of us.

Paul thinking about what happened and what could've happened. He had nightmares and sleepwalking episodes over this the next few nights.

We've been up to this camp ground for 8 years now and we've never seen the river like this, normally it is bone dry. Even during spring run off there is only a trickle in the river bed. Obviously this year in Utah we had a different spring!

The kids making gardens.

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