Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ellie's Birthday Party

Ellie having fun with her pasta.

She had a great time opening presents, with the help of her big brothers!

Ellie didn't even wait for the Happy Birthday song to be over, she wanted that cake!

Into the bath she went after she was done with the cake and ice cream.

Clean Girl! Playing at the table with Grandma, Aunt Megan and Uncle Todd.

"More tea please." Uncle Dave with Ellie.

"This is a yummy flower Grandma and Grandpa Marshall gave me."

Thank you to all who were able to come and those who wanted to be but couldn't. Ellie is such a joy in our family and this past year went so fast. She may be 1 now but she will always be my baby!
We love you Ellie Jean!

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