Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Let's Go Fly a Kite!

Part of our Family Home Evening was flying a kite. Brett's SpiderMan Kite. It was really fun and all the kids enjoyed it. Both Paul and I were surprised that the $1 kite held up and the string didn't break.

Ellie's 1st Hair Cut

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I didn't want to but her hair was down to her nose and she wouldn't keep hair clips in. So I just got the scissors and went clip clip and it was done and I'm so glad I did. Now I can look at her beautiful eyes and she likes it too because she can see as well! :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Family Picture

It is truely amazing how hard it is to get a family picture taken. We have not had a real family picture taken since Brett was about 18 month old and now he is 3 1/2 yrs old and now we have Ellie and she is 15 months old. I'm so bad!
Waiting for some good weather pushed the date back and then back again. On the 18th we finally attempted the picture thing and above is what you get.
Dave was so good to take time out of his schedule to come do this for us (free of charge!). I think he did a great job considering what he had to work with. Sunny day, cranky Trey and Ellie who just wanted to walk around.
So I would imagine that this is it for awhile, because I don't want to go through that again.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


OK, I have music going on my blog and now I've got video clips so click the pause button on the playlist in the left column at the bottom. Then you should be able to hear the video clips.

Here is Ellie on the 5th. Notice how she goes up on her toes a couple of times. Then at the end notice that she can say the word "no" and how cute it is. Though in a little while I won't be thinking it is very cute.

Twinkle Little Star

I can not being to explain the love that exists between these two boys. Brett is so caring towards Trey and wants to be helpful and Trey loves it when Brett plays with him, reads books with him and snuggles with him and mom in the afternoons after school. But right now the thing that Trey loves most is when Brett sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to him. And of coarse true to kid fashion Brett gets all goofy when we get the camera out, so this isn't the best he does but it shows a little bit of how Trey loves it.

So Tuesday was a beautiful day and so we took advantage of it. Paul took off work early and we worked outside in the yard. Ellie was funny before Paul got the camera out, she wouldn't put her feet or hands on the grass. She was balancing on her bum. She hurried and crawled over to me, not liking it the whole way, then she climbed up on my legs (I was sitting down) and balanced herself on my legs so that she wouldn't have to touch the grass. Well, as soon as Paul comes out with the camera everything is ok and she takes off to do some weeding of her own.

She is now walking all over the place. She has been walking for a month or so now but just until a week ago she still preferred to crawl to get places, now she prefers to walk. She thinks she is pretty hot stuff!

Brett and Ellie play pretty well for the most part. When Brett is in a really good, nice, and sharing mood they play really well for a long time. Like right now as I am posting this he is running circles around her and they both are just giggling. I'm sure at some point she will do something that he doesn't like and then that will be the end of that.

Yep, that's the end of that. :)

Trey's Frist Grade Program

Trey was a part of the school's first grade program. The program was on the "Little Engine that Could" with different speaking parts and cute songs. This was in the afternoon on Wednesday and Trey was tired from the physical therapist working with him just minutes before. So I was told he was more energetic for the morning programs on Monday and Tuesday. He did good though and really enjoyed the whole thing. His aide said he really enjoyed the practices and being with all the kids.
Trey is in a self contained class room at a regular elementary and part of his education plan is that he watches or participates in activities that his grade level does. So library time, PE in the Gym, school programs, etc. He really enjoys being with and watching the kids.
I do have to tell you that Trey is a ladies man, well, he always has been since the day he was born. So after the program it was also the end of school for that day so Paul and I were taking him home with us. But I needed to go back to his classroom with his teacher to get some papers that I needed so I suggested Paul take him out and get him loaded up in the van. I get out to the van and get in and Paul tells me that several of the girls said "Hi Trey" in the hall.
This is the first time I've posted video so I hope it works.