Saturday, June 20, 2009

1st Annual Meanea Ladies Weekend

Last weekend, June 12-14, us Meanea women planned a weekend in St. George. In attendance was myself, Kristin, Mom (Sherry), Alice, Allyse, Emily, and Allyse's friend Mikayla who was filling in for Alicia who really wanted to come and needed to come but work issues arose and she had to work that Friday.
Friday night we went to the Tuachan to see the musical "Annie". It was a fun and cute play and I think it was good considering it was the first week for the shows at the Tuachan.
Saturday I slept in, I can't really tell you what the others did. We had breakfast at the nice hotel that John hooked us up with then we headed out to the Wildlife museum and then to the Tabernacle. The wildlife museum was great and it was interesting to see all those animals and learn so much about them, but at the same time not get bored! We ate lunch at a great little cafe a couple of blocks from the Tabernacle then went on a tour of the Tabernacle, which was really cool. That place is amazing and beautiful.
Then we choose to go do our part to help stimulate the economy. SHOPPING!
Dinner at Olive Garden (which Alice didn't think we would like going there). Then late night swimming at the hotel.
Sunday morning I slept in again, yeah me! Alice, Allyse and Emily made it to church, I think. At least that was the plan. Mom, Kristin and I headed to Central to drop of mom and visit with the Greats for a little bit then Kristin and I headed to Mapleton where Joe and Paul had been holding down the fort with 6 kids! Amazing men these two, the kids were alive and kicking, the house was standing and it was clean!
Thank you to all for the wonderful weekend! Love ya

1 comment:

ALICIA said...

How extremely fun is that!!! So glad you girls got to escape together.