Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brett's Swim Lessons

This was Brett's first year of swim lessons, we've done mommy-n-me classes the last two summers. Brett did fairly well, his body wanted to be a submarine but he worked and worked on floating. He loves the water and really enjoyed his lessons.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dave has not left the building!

So some may not find the title humorous, especially my mom, but I think Dave would think it is funny.
Sat. the 11 of July my brother Dave had a heart attack at about 9:30 pm. So many things to be grateful for at this time, here is my list:
* Grateful that he called 911
*Grateful that Jeremy was able to go right over to Dave's house and be with him.
*Grateful for the great paramedic and ER staff at Heber Valley Hospital that brought Dave back to us.
*Grateful for LifeFlight services.
*Grateful that my mom and dad called to tell me so I could go right up to the new IHC hospital in Murray where LifeFlight took Dave.
*Grateful for the doctors and especially the nurses who helped stabilize Dave.
*Grateful for modern medicine and surgeries. Clearing major blockage from his arteries through scopes and such that run up from his femoral artery into his heart, isn't that just amazing.
*Grateful that his recovery has been so remarkably fast. He was released this afternoon, just 6 days after having the MI and being in cardiac arrest for 2 min.
*Grateful to Jeremy and Mindy for putting up with him for the next few days until we all feel better at him going back home. Sorry Mindy but the MI didn't affect his humor, it's still there.
*Grateful to John and his family for sacrificing so much for John to be up with the Great Grandparents so mom and dad could be up here with Dave for a few days.
*Grateful that I have such a caring and loving family.
*Grateful that my kids didn't lose their "Uncle Dave" and that I didn't lose my big brother.
We love you Dave, keep up the great recovery!

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

We went to Central for the day and my dad was awesome and went in early to Richfield to get great seats for the parade. We had so much fun and Brett thought is was awesome. Trey and Ellie tolerated it well.

Paul and Brett checking out his candy loot.

After the parade we went out to Central to my mom and dad's and we visited with them for a bit then went over to the Great Grandparents to visit them for a bit. They were excited to see the kids again.
At noon the Central Park, which is right next to my mom and dad's home get invaded by locals and visitors for food, games and good company. Here are some pictures of the races that the kids were in.

Later in the day we drove back home and then Brett and Paul went over to Megan and Todd's so Brett could watch some fireworks. Ellie and Trey were so tired and needed to go to bed at their bedtime so I stayed home with them.
We had a wonderful time and we hope that everyone had happy and safe 4th of July.
God Bless America!

Family Picnic

On Friday the 3rd we went to Whiting's Camp Ground in Mapleton. This is one of our favorite places since Trey was a baby and we had our camping trailer. It has a lot of trees, and is quite but so close to Mapleton.
Here are some pictures from our picnic.

Brett really wanted to find some dinosaurs, so here he is out looking for them.

It was a wonderful afternoon.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Trey's TBall Season

Paul and I had the honor of coaching Trey's team this year. The Gaints!
It was so much fun!

Hey you, outfielder, pay attention!

Brett has such a great time helping Trey, he loves to bat for him and then run the bases with him. He doesn't enjoy the outfield to much right now.

Opps, this wasn't supposed to go in. But how cute is that little tushie, and she is a Gaints fan!

Go Trey!

Monday night was the last game of the season. The games were great and the BBQ was yummy and then the kids out their trophy's and pictures. Look at how happy Trey is! All the kids have a great time and the parents love to see their child be so happy to play a game that they can be apart of. I know I'm not the only parent who gets a little emotional when I see these kids play. In fact I'm crying right now seeing the pictures and writing this post. I've been kind of a boob lately. OH well, he is my boy and I'll cry over him all I want!!!!!!!! Take that. :)
Thank you Trey for a great Tball season and for being a VIP player!

Double Trouble

Driving the race car cart at Macey's Grocery Store in Spanish Fork. I love that place, great customer service (nice change from Walmart!) And though the kids don't know it yet they can get a free balloon at customer service and a free cookie at the bakery. And they can get a piece of candy at check out if I let them, it all rides on good behavior while shopping and I get to remind Brett of that often and it works.

Driving the Ice Cream Truck ride at Walmart. Yes, I love Macey's but still shop on occasion at Walmart. The whole bribery works here too, good behavior gets him a ride on the truck.

Help! I Have An Ellie In My Pantry!

Giddy Up