Friday, July 17, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dave has not left the building!

So some may not find the title humorous, especially my mom, but I think Dave would think it is funny.
Sat. the 11 of July my brother Dave had a heart attack at about 9:30 pm. So many things to be grateful for at this time, here is my list:
* Grateful that he called 911
*Grateful that Jeremy was able to go right over to Dave's house and be with him.
*Grateful for the great paramedic and ER staff at Heber Valley Hospital that brought Dave back to us.
*Grateful for LifeFlight services.
*Grateful that my mom and dad called to tell me so I could go right up to the new IHC hospital in Murray where LifeFlight took Dave.
*Grateful for the doctors and especially the nurses who helped stabilize Dave.
*Grateful for modern medicine and surgeries. Clearing major blockage from his arteries through scopes and such that run up from his femoral artery into his heart, isn't that just amazing.
*Grateful that his recovery has been so remarkably fast. He was released this afternoon, just 6 days after having the MI and being in cardiac arrest for 2 min.
*Grateful to Jeremy and Mindy for putting up with him for the next few days until we all feel better at him going back home. Sorry Mindy but the MI didn't affect his humor, it's still there.
*Grateful to John and his family for sacrificing so much for John to be up with the Great Grandparents so mom and dad could be up here with Dave for a few days.
*Grateful that I have such a caring and loving family.
*Grateful that my kids didn't lose their "Uncle Dave" and that I didn't lose my big brother.
We love you Dave, keep up the great recovery!

1 comment:

carpe-dm said...

Yeah, Dave appreciated the title!

Thanks for the great blog entry, Sis. You listed a lot of things that I've been grateful for this week. Love ya lots, Christy!