Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Brett!

Birthday Party at Grandma and Grandpa Marshall's.
Dinner: Chicken Nuggets, Mac-n-Cheese, fish sticks.

He just can't wait to get to the gifts!

Whoa, Dad help with putting out the bonfire!
Brett had a wonderful time at his Marshall family birthday party. Thanks!

Zeke's Speical Day

Sept. 19, 2009

This day was Zeke's special day (he had gone a long time with no potty accidents) and he wanted to come play with Brett.

Boy oh Boy are these two crazy together! They had a wonderful time together and wore each other out!

World of Dance

Sept, 18, 2009

This is girls night out and it is fun and wonderful. Mother-in-law (Chris), Aunt Jeannie, Shelly, Kelsey, Heather, Megan, Sammie, Jessie, Heidi, Cercia, Heidi's mom, me and my mom. Now that is a scary group! JK

We get dressed up, eat dinner and head off to BYU's World of Dance. We have been doing this for years now and when Ellie is old enough then she joins the group too!


Fall is a glorious time of year. Wonderful fruit, berries, and veggies in abundance. This year we did something different in our garden. We built boxes and got wonderful soil in the boxes and planted potatoes, onions, peppers, jalapenos, summer squash, zucchini, tomatoes, cherry tomato, and butternut squash. (We planted corn, but once again, it failed.) And our raspberry bushes are finally producing berries! Oh and they are so yummy!

So I've been doing canning and freezer jam.
Here is spaghetti sauce I made and canned with the tomatoes out of our garden. The peaches are from the farmers market and the apples, well, they're from the store. I've also been freezing zucchini for my zucchini bread over the winter.

This is a jar of the raspberry freezer jam that I put up a little bit ago. Oh man, I am addicted to this stuff. I also have strawberry and peach freezer jam.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Scrapbook Expo

Sept. 11, 2009
I've gone to the scrapbook expo a few times over the last few years but I've never taken any of the classes they offer.

But this year they offered a couple of digital classes that I wanted to try. I have not worked with digital scrapbooking but am interested to try it. One class was photo editing, I learned some good stuff on that working with Photoshop Elements. The other class was a beginning digital scrapbooking class and it was great. I finally get the whole layers thing in Photoshop.

So here is a sample of my project from class.

Labor Day Weekend Camping

Labor Day Weekend 2009

Brett playing with cousins.

Ellie was actually happy at this moment!

Cute girls!

What a goof ball! :)

Three kids in a motor home.
For the past several years the Meanea clan has embarked on a memorable weekend outdoors. Labor Day Weekend became the time of choice and we choose different locations to camp at. This year we were at the Castle Rock Campground in Clear Creek Canyon.
Leaks in the motor home almost threatened our being there (we would have figured something out) but luckily the local RV place fit us into the schedule on Wednesday and we got the motor home back on Thursday so we could pack it up.
We had a wonderful time and Brett went crazy playing with the cousins. Ellie was pretty much grouchy the whole time but to her defense she was totally out of her element. Trey loved being out doors and getting so much snuggle time with Grandma.
Monday was once again a wonderful BBQ in Central. We visited with Grandpa and were missing Grandma.
Brett is still talking about sleeping in the motor home and planning out next years camp out.

Brett's First Day of Preschool

Sept. 1, 2009

Brett asked everyday during the summer if he could go to school that day. Well, that day finally arrived and he couldn't have been any happier. This is his second year of preschool and he loves it. He wishes he could go every day.