Thursday, March 18, 2010

Family Outing #1

For Christmas my wonderful brother Dave gave each of us families some money so that we could use it towards a vacation or family outings to have the memories with us forever.

With Trey's hip surgery fast approaching I felt like we should do some outings before the surgery. So on this family outing we went to one of Brett's favorite places. Thanksgiving Points Dinosaur Museum. I forgot my camera but Paul took a couple of shots with his Iphone.

Trey looks tired here but he really did have a good day and he was more happy and energetic than a few days before this.

Brett and Ellie had fun playing in the sand/water area.
We then had lunch at the little cafe there (I wouldn't spend the money there again but it was fun to try it). It was a fun morning and then we headed home and Ellie had a nap.

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