Friday, March 19, 2010

Trey's Hip Surgery

On March 2 Trey had surgery on both hips at Primary Children's Medical Center.
With the tightness of his leg muscles and not weight bearing through his hips and legs it has caused the ball and socket of his left hip to start to move around and cause some problems. If we left it then it would cause damage to the socket and dislocation. We have had xray's every year to make sure his hips were ok, and they were until this last August. We met with the orthopedist then and she said we would need to do the surgery within the year.
Paul and I discussed it and we wanted to get it over with and get him out of the cast and feeling better before summer came.
We schedule for March 2 and then we had another xray and visit with the doctor early Feb. and the hip had gotten really worse so it was good we were just a few weeks away from surgery.
I was so dreading this surgery, he had never had something so huge. I knew he would hate the hospital stay, and he did. We didn't know how he would act when we got him home and he couldn't sit in his wheelchair and lay on the floor and play under his gym. He wasn't going to be able to move his legs and wiggle like he likes to do. We were dreading the unknown. We wanted February to go really slow but that didn't happen.
March 2 came and the poor little guy had no idea what was about to happen to him. I was sick to my stomach and Paul was nervous too. It was probably one of the longest days of my life. Waiting for the surgery to get over seemed like forever, but the surgeon came out and talked to us and she told us the surgery went well, that Trey did well. Not too long after that they called me back to recovery. He looked stoned, still waking up and groggy. He just went back to sleep for awhile. But it did me good to see him.
Paul met us out in the hall when we moved him up to his room. The rest of that day and night were good because Trey was still feeling good with his epidural running good. The other days not so good, he doesn't like to be in hospitals, who does.
They pain team transitioned him from the epidural to the oral pain meds and the nurses needed to make sure that his fluids and stats, etc. were good. On Friday morning they started the discharge process. We got him home at 1:30pm and once him got him in his room he relaxed and started to be a bit happy.
The next week was full of ups and downs and thank goodness for pain meds.
The last few days he hasn't need much pain meds and he is more happy and playing with his gym in bed and watching his videos. Sleep is optional with him right now but he is happy yapping and at least not crying and fussing all night.
Here are pictures.

I like these feely good meds!

Not so happy right now, even with my video running. Mad Dude!

All strapped in. PCMC lent us a restrain system to use with him since he could only lay down in a seat and not in a car seat or his wheelchair.
The big blue cast! This thing is massive. It goes all around his stomach and back and all the way to his ankles. Changing diapers is interesting but we've got it down easy now.
We rented a hospital bed (thanks Paul!) so we could change his positions better. It really has been great to have this. Paul also took care of his boy getting a TV set up in his room.


The Eyre's said...

Wow Christy! I'm glad things went pretty well with the surgery. It looks like you'll have your hands full for a while with the recovery process. You deserve to have an honorary RN degree!

ALICIA said...

I agree. You deserve the best Mom in the world award Christy. You are amazing. Trey is also so amazing. What a neat guy!
Glad he's recovering and that the surgery is behind him.