Saturday, June 30, 2012

Trey's 10th Birthday

Weekend of June 10th, 2012
Seriously, 10yrs old!  How did that happen?  Paul and I are so honored to have Trey as our child.  What a special guy.  He brings so much love and joy to our lives and into our home.  Happy Birthday Trey, we love you so very much!

For Trey's birthday we decided to go camping for the weekend.  Trey loves the outdoors, in fact when he was really young and we had our first trailer we would go camping he would sit outside in his swing and look up at the sky through the tree leaves and just smile.
We took Pouncy and Big Al up to Diamond Campground in Diamond Fork Canyon.  Paul found us a wonderful spot.
Don't worry Trey, dinner's coming.
Christy gets into a picture thanks to a tripod and remote.

On a ride in Pouncy the Prowler.
Saturday evening Paul's parents came up and spent sometime with the kids and had dinner with us.  Paul grilled some wonderful steaks.

I have the best husband ever!
Paul with his wonderful mom.
Handsome dude!
Yep, big bottom lip comes from his dad.

Isn't that just sweet?!
This campground had a wonderful trail called the Discovery Trail.  It was smooth and wide enough for us to take Trey on it in his jogger.  Every so often it would have a plaque telling about the native flowers in the area, the different birds, the different animals, etc.  We also saw this teepee and a beaver lodge.

This Sunday night and we are back at home.  Paul is making Trey his birthday brownies.  I usually make the kids' birthday cakes but since we were camping I wouldn't have time and we all enjoy Paul's brownies very much.
Birthday Boy!
Metal flowers to put in his garden.
More flowers for the garden.

Supervising the flowers going into his garden.

Make a wish!

Yummmy, the good stuff.  Brownies with mint chocolate chip ice cream.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

FUN Birthday! You go all out - Happy Birthday Trey!!