Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas with the Meanea's

The Saturday after Christmas is when we traveled to Central to celebrate with the Meanea's. We ate a great dinner, cousins exchanged gifts and the adults played a white elephant game. If was a great day. Thanks everyone.

Christmas Day

Christmas morning rolls around and Brett bypasses right past the tree and presents to get to our bedroom. "mommy, can I snuggle?" "absolutely!"
Not a mention about presents, Santa, Christmas, or anything. Funny huh? It was kind of nice though that I got to snuggle him for several minutes before Ellie made us come get her out of her crib. "Help, I'm stuck!" She doesn't get stuck in the crib but she says that because she can't get out by herself.
Anyway, we came out to the great room/kitchen and the jolly ol fellow had managed to find his way to our home.

Trey with the toy Santa brought.

Ellie and her new doll house.

Santa was so full that he couldn't finish the last cookie.

Staring down, Megatron.

This is video of Brett and Ellie seeing the presents. Trey was still asleep at the time and we've learned from past experiences that we don't wake sleeping beauty unless it is an emergency. I have video of Trey seeing his present but Ellie is throwing a fit in it because she wants Trey's toy. Once he woke up he really starting playing with his toy and enjoying it.
Merry Christmas to all!

Christmas Eve with the Marshall Family

On Christmas Eve Day we went up to Paul's parents home and eat, played charades, and opened presents. It was a great day.
Ellie is going to start out the game.


Paul's Uncle Tip and Brett getting their charades actions ready.

Hummm, Todd, I believe it is a book!
Do you hear what I hear?!
Ellie sure like the tissue paper for her present! *smile*

Warm boy Trey with the crazy singing Christmas Turkey.

Wasting no time.

Another First for Trey

So the Tuesday (Dec. 15) after the ward Christmas party Trey was invited to a pizza/movie party. The lady that was in charge of the ward party wanted to thank the kids for being in the program (evidently a lot of people (kids, adults, teens) turned her down). So she did a pizza/movie party. I got a babysitter to come over for an hour and I took Trey and I stayed with him to feed him his pizza. Well, he was actually having a good time and seemed like he was enjoying the movie so I asked the lady if it was ok to leave him and then I'd come get him. She said yes (this sister & I were actually visiting teaching partners for quite awhile so she is familiar with me and Trey).
This was the first time I had left Trey with someone that wasn't family in that person's home. Well, I went home to Brett and Ellie and finished dinner with them then after a bit went back and got Trey. She said that he did really well and looked like he was having fun.
Yeah Trey!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Paul!

Dec. 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Paul - 37 yrs old!
You are such an amazing man. You are a wonderful husband, father, son, brother, friend. We love you so much.
You better stick with me for another year, old man!

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving Day 2009 - Marshall Family

Turkey a cookin'
This year we tried something we've never done before, brining a turkey. I personally had never heard of this until a saw a Studio 5 segment about brining and then the day before Paul comes home and says he wants to try brining the turkey, he had seen a video clip off the Food Network I believe about bringing a turkey. So the turkey sat in the water/salt/herb solution over night and then we cooked it in a cooking bag. We were a bit nervous that it wouldn't be good, no problem if it is just us but we were cooking for others so it had to turn out good. At least edible.
It was such a good turkey, nice and moist and yummy!

Rolls, good ol rolls!

Brett wouldn't let you put down your chip to win connect 4, he always had to win.

Ellie is a little book worm, she loves to look at books, especially books with animals, she makes all the animal sounds.
We had a great Thanksgiving, Uncle Tip (Chris's brother) Mike and his family, Mom and Dad Marshall and our family. It was fun.
Saturday we headed down to Central to have a 2nd Thanksgiving with the Meanea family. We missed Great Grandma and we managed to give Great Grandpa his full of us for awhile. We are getting to be quite a big group and it gets a bit out of hand at times. But we have fun and love each other.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Steelers @ Broncos Game Pictures

I am finally posting the pictures and video from the Steelers/Bronco game. Steelers won so Paul was happy!

Bronco introductions.

Half time - salute to the armed forces.

Can a Steelers fan and a Broncos fan really live peacefully together?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wow, what a week

So a week ago today Paul and I left for Denver in the late morning. We had tickets to the Monday night football game, Steelers at the Broncos. (I'll post pictures later)
Later that night my mom calls me and tells me that her and Chris are taking Trey into the after hours doctor. He is just not comfortable, doesn't want to snuggle with Grandma which you know when something is wrong when he doesn't want to snuggle, he had developed a fever, and his breathing has become a little labored.
I started to worry because I wasn't there with him and wasn't with him at the doctors to answer any questions. The moms and Paul try to reassure me that let's just see what the doctor says before I get too worried.
The doctor says, strep throat and sends him over to the hospital for an x-ray on his chest. They then admit him to the pediatric floor for the strep and pneumonia. So here I am in Denver and my boy is now in the hospital fighting pneumonia. I felt awful I wasn't there with him.
I'm so thankful for my mom and mother-in-law that took such good care of Trey, Brett and Ellie while Paul and I were in Denver.
The moms, the doctors, and nurses all told me to stay in Denver for the game on Monday night.
I couldn't have been more anxious to get to the hospital Tuesday afternoon when I flew into Salt Lake City. My mom had been there with Trey since Sunday night and Paul's mom was with the other kids at home.
After 5 days of traveling, juggling kids, juggling time at the hospital, etc. Trey got well enough to come home Friday afternoon. He was so tired of being there, he would get irritated when a nurse or doctor came in. When we got him home Brett was really happy to see him, Ellie didn't know what was going on except for the fact that mommy wasn't there, then was, then wasn't again. Brett sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to Trey and it made Trey so happy! It was good to see him laugh and smile like his old self.
It was a crazy week and hopefully this next week is much slower!

Monday, November 2, 2009

First Snow Fall

Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2009 was our first snow storm of the season. The kids and I couldn't resist going out and playing in it. The snow was wet so we were able to build a snow man. I'm so glad I have kids that enjoy the snow as much as I do!

Halloween 2009

Happy Halloween Everyone!

For dinner on Thursday night we made Mummy Pizza's! They were fun to make and they were good too.

Little Red Riding Hood not wanting to stand up and have her picture taken.

Brett the Transformer "Bumble Bee", Trey the Knight, and Ellie as Little Red Riding Hood.

The Colors of Fall

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

October 23, 2009

We took the kids to a pumpkin patch and corn maze on this Saturday. Brett had been here before with his preschool class so he was excited to go again. He really liked the corn maze.

Mommy is in on a picture!

3 cute kids

Trey loved being out in the fresh air and he had a good time winding his way through the corn maze.

Team work!

I'm so glad when Uncle Dave comes over
Glad as glad can be
Clap my hands and shout for joy
and climb upon his shoulders!

Picnic in the Canyon

October 17, 2009

The Saturday, after we got back from China, was beautiful. We took the kids and Uncle Dave up to a park in Hobble Creek Canyon. It was warm, beautiful, colorful, and fun.

"One giant step for Bretty kind"

"I'm king of the plastic rock mountain!"

"I'll get you good"

"We need more leaves"

"Happy Trey Boy"

We all had a wonderful time and headed home for a well deserved nap.