Friday, February 27, 2009

Brothers Forever

It is clearly evident that these two boys love each other. The look in Trey's eyes and the way Brett cares about his brother tells it all. On this day, Brett was snuggled up to Trey watching a movie.

Crazies In The Tub

Brett loves to take baths with Ellie. They had a good time playing. When Brett starts getting a little to crazy then that is when I take Ellie out.

Hummm, yeah, Ellie I don't think you want to do that!

Always the supervisor. Don't worry Trey, I'll wash out the bathtub after their bath! LOL

Ellie is a climbing!

Ellie has recently decided that she is big enough to climb the stairs. She does pretty good at it to. Of coarse we are right with her and use gates at the top and bottom. She went up the whole way on her first try.
Ellie has also taken her first steps on the 24th. She was going in between Paul and I but she would get so excited that she would make herself go off balance. So she has taken a few steps but is not walking on her own yet. She still prefers to crawl because she is so fast and can get where she wants to right now. She hasn't realized the advantages to walking on her own yet, which is fine by me.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Take Me Back Tuesday

Happy Halloween from the Meanea kids! Wow, this is a little embrassing to put this picture up here. But hopefully you all have a good laugh over it. Mom, I can't believe you let Joe have a toy gun! :) Don't ask what year this was because I have no clue, but let's just say we are all very much younger than we are now! LOL

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tis the Season

The cold bug has bitten all of us at our home. Paul and Trey seem to have gotten the worse of it, Paul is on the mend and Trey is working on it. It just takes the little guy longer to recover from this sort of thing. He gets so tired and he doesn't drink and eat much. He stayed home from school on Friday and today (Monday) and will miss tomorrow and possible Wed. He is showing signs of improvement though which is encouraging.
The good thing about Trey being sick is that I get a lot more snuggles, which makes Ellie Jean so jealous! Poor little girl.
The rest of us are better and it didn't seem to slow Brett down too much (dang! I was hoping for some low key moments, but no dice.)
Hoping the rest of you are in good health and not sick. If you are then please get better soon and don't bring it over to my house! :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Take Me Back Tuesday

Guess who? Two of the cutest little boys around and now they are big and grown up 6 yr olds.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Take Me Back Tuesday

It doesn't seem long ago that Paul and I were young and so much in love. But it has been 8 yrs now and we have been through things and things have changed but we are still so much in love.
Yes, Paul has hair in this picture.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Beautiful New Niece

Kiera Suzanne Meanea
2/4/09 7lbs 11 oz. 20.5 in

Be happy Derek, you have a new little sister! Jackson, you are a big brother now!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Paul and Christy in Tampa Bay, FL

Some of the sites around Tampa. Wow, that guy is hot.

Two crazy kids in love!

Here we are snuggled up watching the sun set.

Paul and Christy @ the SuperBowl!

This RV was just one of the many tailgaters outside the stadium. Paul's dream motorhome, this thing had huge Steelers decals on the side too.

"The Bus" (Jerome Bettis, former Steelers RB for those who don't know) getting ready for his TV spot.

This was at the NFL Experience, there was one for every team, the one for the Steelers was way long and Paul didn't want to wait in line. So I found my Broncos and got this picture. Don't I look good!?

Raymond James Stadium - Tampa Bay, Florida
Host to Super Bowl 43
(yes, I am wearing a Steelers shirt because Paul wouldn't let me wear anything Broncos, I thought since he was paying for the tickets I could wear a Steelers shirt.)

This is a picture from our seats but this picture is zoomed out too so the view from our seats was much better than you might think from this picture. This is pregame warm up and Paul was just going crazy waiting for the game to start.
We went into the stadium just after 2 pm (kick off was after 6 pm). What did we do? We soaked in the atmosphere, the excitement, the thrill. We walked around inside the stadium, ate some lunch and talked to a lot of the people around us. Paul sat next to the guy who started the company "Fat Heads". And then in front of us was a guy from Salt Lake City. Small world huh?

The moment - kick off!

"Go Steelers" (yes, this is me Christy and I'm a Broncos fan but this night I was cheering for the Steelers. Mainly because I didn't want Paul to be sad if they lost. *smile* )

Steelers Win! Steelers Win!

"Paul, aim the camera down a little more so you don't cut me off!"

Paul is so happy! If you ask him he may have been more happy then the day we got married or even when the kids were born. LOL!

Waiting for the trophy presentation.

Congratulations to the Steelers winner their 6th Super Bowl. (now I have to hear about how many rings they have compared to the Broncos)

Ellie's Birthday Party

Ellie having fun with her pasta.

She had a great time opening presents, with the help of her big brothers!

Ellie didn't even wait for the Happy Birthday song to be over, she wanted that cake!

Into the bath she went after she was done with the cake and ice cream.

Clean Girl! Playing at the table with Grandma, Aunt Megan and Uncle Todd.

"More tea please." Uncle Dave with Ellie.

"This is a yummy flower Grandma and Grandpa Marshall gave me."

Thank you to all who were able to come and those who wanted to be but couldn't. Ellie is such a joy in our family and this past year went so fast. She may be 1 now but she will always be my baby!
We love you Ellie Jean!