Tuesday, October 12, 2010

San Diego Vacation Part 3

Welcome to the Zoo!

FYI, that is a fake giraffe.

Jenny, the orangutans, was sure interested in the kids.

Yes, I do get to be in some pictures.

Help, someone, my neck is all stretched out!

Yummy carrots!

Hey, I think I see a way out of here!
The San Diego Zoo was good but I'm sure glad we did it the day after Sea World. The zoo covers a huge area and then some of the terrain is crazy steep. Pushing Trey, carrying Ellie, and pulling Brett up steep hills was not fun. It is always fun to see different animals, and they probably say the same thing when they see us.

So cute and oh so tired.

Snuggle Boys - Brett likes to sit with Trey and watch TV.
This was truly the vacation that Paul and I had been dreaming of for so many years. Everything worked out well, I think we were well prepared and thought things through with the kids, etc. Paul spent a lot of time looking at the best area close to the parks and beach. The kids did great traveling and while we were in San Diego. No melt downs! I think any parent can call that a success. Paul and I were just as happy as the kids and everyone had a great time.
We never know what the next day will bring when it comes to Trey. Sometimes the smallest little thing can throw him off and he won't be happy. But we went for it and he traveled good and did good sleeping in strange surroundings. He loves to be out and about, outside, watching people, but it can't be to chaotic or he won't do good. That is a big reason why we chose Sea World and the Zoo and not an amusement park. He really did good and he really had a good time, an answer to my prayers.
I'm just so happy that we finally did this. :)


Elise said...

How fun!!! What a neat trip! Kenzie was just talking about Brett-I can't believe how they can remember things from being so small.

Pat said...

Sweet Girl---What a wonderful trip you must have had!! I am so glad you were able to do it and that everything went well. Great pictures!

Tanya said...

Yay! So glad your trip was so much fun! It's the small things in life that keep ya going. :)

Bugg's mama said...

I am so so SO happy that you go to go on a trip all together to such a wonderful and magical place!! And that's just awesome that it went so well and smooth! Great pictures! Good memories! Now, I'm motivated to plan one for us since we've never taken a vacation either.

Love, bree