Saturday, October 9, 2010

Potty Success!

The Sunday we got back from the George Family Reunion (August 1) we tried a second time to put Ellie in big girl underwear and out of her diapers. This time it was a success! A couple of weeks before when we did this she did good for a few days then started fighting putting the underwear on so I didn't push it and put her back in diapers. Yes, I know experts would say that is a big no no but I am a firm believer that EVERY child is different.
So from early August on she has been out of diapers and doing great. Yes there has been an accident here and there but what kid doesn't?!
She has also been wearing her underwear at night and not pull ups.
Yeah, now I only have one kid in diapers and not 3 or 2!!!!!!!!!!!

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