Tuesday, December 20, 2011


So I've been study Photography a bit more seriously the last little bit and I've put up some pictures to see what you think.

Thanksgiving 2011

I managed to have two Thanksgiving dinners and take no pictures. Sorry!
We had Thanksgiving this year at our home. Paul's parents came over. Paul cooked the most amazing turkey I have ever, ever, ever had. Wow! So yummmmmmy!
Then on Saturday we head down in Central to have the Meanea Thanksgiving. Wow, how many people get to have two turkey dinners?
Trey's not complaining about that. :)

Trey and Dr. Smith

Trey has added another doctor to his arsenal. Dr. Smith is an orthopedic doctor and specializes in spines.
The day before Thanksgiving we went to the first appointment to see what his take was on Trey's back. He will most likely need spine surgery in the future but he needs to be as old as possible. The curve in his back is still real soft which means we can get it straight still. And that is a good thing. So we keep up with his exercises and therapies and get him as old as possible before the spine starts causing other problems.
We will see Dr. Smith in a year.

Brett - Star of the Week

On November 21 Paul and I got to go into Brett's Kindergarten class and talk about Brett. Brett and I worked on a poster all about him the week before and we took the poster to the class so they could see his likes and dislikes and other information about Brett.
Paul and I talked about Brett for a couple of minutes and then Brett got to answer questions from the class.
I love stuff like this, it is so much fun!

Pediatric Dentist

I love the dentist that works with my children, especially Trey! He has an amazing staff and they know their stuff.
My kids just had another check up on November 14. No cavities but we definately need to do better at flossing.
Trey's teeth are good at the moment. Still has enamel even though he grinds. He is a bit late loosing baby teeth but then he was late getting them in the first place. With him being born premature there are going to be teeth problems but we will deal with that when necessary. For now he is good.
Brett in May had to have 5 teeth pulled at once. One of those teeth was an extra tooth that didn't need to be there and was starting to cause problems. So his two top front teeth, then the tooth to each side of the front teeth came out. He was so brave! Then just weeks after that his two bottom front teeth fell out. In fact, one of the permanent teeth had already come through behind the baby tooth. So we had to get it loosened up fast and out of there. Then he gently worked the permanent tooth into position with his tongue. All of that before he was 6 yrs old.
So at this appointment he had a full panoramic xray taken. When the dentist showed us what was there and not there we knew immediately that our friendly neighbor orthodontist would be seeing Brett in the future. He does not have enough room in his mouth for all his permanant teeth!
Ellie's teeth are beautiful and great. No problems there.
So our dentist's office takes pictures of the kids that don't have cavities. And every six months when you go in for an appointment you get to take home the previous picture. I love this, I love to see how the kids have changed and grown even in six months!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Children's Discovery Gateway Museum

November 10th, 2011
My brother, Dave, treated Trey, Brett and I to the Children's Discovery Museum at the Gateway in SLC. He had some certificate he needed to use and we were the lucky recipients.
Paul and Ellie weren't with us, they were headed back from Ellie's first plane ride, plus she was sick with the stomach bug.
We had never been to this museum before and it was a lot of fun. And I think Dave had as much fun as the boys!

Sorry the quality on these pictures are bad, the point and shoot isn't doing good these days.

Thanks Dave to a great afternoon!

I have the best husband ever!

November 3-6, 2011
Jacksonville, FL

I truly have the best husband ever. I am so grateful to him and how well he takes care of me. He truly makes me happy in so many areas of my life and I to quote the Jerry McQuire movie "you complete me".

Paul set it up with his wonderful mom to come stay with the kids so I could go with him to Jacksonville for a few days of sleep and relaxation. Thanks Chris!

This was the second time we've been to Florida in 2011 and both times it was cold. Yes, it gets cold in Florida! That's ok though, it was still nice to getaway.

Paul has a customer out in Jacksonville who set us up to stay at a country club on the bleach. It was nice and quiet.

This is the spa there at the country club where I spent Saturday afternoon being pampered. A massage, manicure and pedicure.

View out our door.

Down the beach a little bit some boys were surfing.

While I was at the spa on Saturday afternoon, Paul and his buyer went golfing on this beautiful course.

Thank you sweetie for a great few days and letting me sleep for 14 hrs Friday night!

Halloween 2011

Here we are to Halloween already. The rest of 2011 will be over in a snap.

"Glitzy Witch" Ellie

Caption Trey Sparrow

Clone Trooper Brett
The above pictures were taken at the school's Halloween parade. It was fun to see all the classes showing off their costumes.

Happy Halloween from the Marshall's!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Afternoon at Jolley's Ranch

October 24, 2011
The day Paul got home from 10 days in China we all headed up to Jolley's Ranch to see some fall colors and play a bit.

Brett took this picture of me by himself!

Brett's 1st Friend Birthday Party

Sept. 24, 2011
Brett for his birthday wanted a friend party. This was his first friend party and it was fun. Brett asked for a Transformer themed party so I went to work planning it.

I looked at shaping the cake like Optimus or Bumble Bee but I just didn't think it would work out good and so I figured I could use a Bumble Bee car that he could play with later.

The first game was "Bomb Barricade". Paul played Barricade and the kids took water balloons and tried to throw them at him. They had fun with that!

Second game was "Decepitcons vs Autobots". Baically it was freeze tag.

Talk about a game that gets a ton of energy out of them.

Third game was "Freeze Megatron". So in the movie Megatron is frozen and held by the humans. Well, a little decepticon gets into the building and turns off the freezing machines so the kids need to cover him with ice and freeze him again. It was a relay game with two teams.

And the ever popular pinata. Poor Optimus lost a leg!

Splitting up the pinata loot.

I think the kids had a wonderful time and Paul and I had a good time doing the party. Happy 6th Birthday to my wonderful, amazing Brett!