Wednesday, February 9, 2011

10th Anniversary

Paul and I have been married for 10 years now (Jan. 26). 10 years, yeah I now, crazy huh?!
Paul took care of everything and swept me away to Miami and Key West for several days.
We both were trying to recover from being sick the week before and it was a bit chilly in Miami and Key West while we were there. So we didn't sit out on the beach much. We slept in until 11 am on most of the days and we went sight seeing and took in the culture. It was a great week and I loved being with my hubby!

Casa Marina Resort at Key West.

We took a boat ride in Miami and it took us around to some of the mansions on the water way. This is Shaq's old house that was bought by someone and being renovated.

Key West, FL

At the top of a outlook in Key West that people back in the day, would use to spot ship wrecks so they could go out and salvage the wrecks.

View from our balcony of our room at Casa Marina. Just beyond the pool and palm trees you can see a little bit of the ocean and beach.

The resident chickens and her chicks.
Thanks for a great trip, sweetie! I had a wonderful time. A big thanks to the grandma's for staying with the kids while we were gone.

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