Friday, February 11, 2011

Trey's first friend Birthday Party Invite

Trey came home last week with an invite to a classmates birthday party. I was so excited and thought "how cool is this!" I decided right then and there, for Trey's 9th birthday in June he is going to have his first friend party. Why not? I've had questions and concerns about doing a friend party, but what the heck, we are going to do it and it will be great.
Anyway back to this party. Paul took him because I still had a nasty cough and sinus issues so I didn't want to be around these special little people and risk getting them sick. Paul text me these two pictures and messages about how much fun Trey was having.

Picture below: Wyatt, Trey, Grant
The 3 Amigos
Trey and I have know Wyatt and his family for several years now, through the OT at Early Intervention.
Grant is Trey's classmate and it was his party. Happy Birthday Grant!

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