Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Brett and Soccer

It is soccer season.
Brett is in his second year of playing soccer and I could tell that he is more coordinated and gets the game a little better. Still at this age they are changing and learning so much, a year really makes a difference.
This year I put him on the same team as his best friend, Brady. They are have a lot of fun.

Brett likes to defend the goal.

"Yes Coach"

Here I go.

Get it out of here!

Go for it Brett!

Ellie's First Day of Preschool

Ellie started preschool after Labor Day. I know, I can't believe she is old enough to go. She is going to the same preschool as Trey and Brett did. She is a tuition student and not getting extra services from the district like Trey and Brett did, so she doesn't get to ride the bus. She hasn't really said anything about it so thats good.

At the front door for a quick picture.

Big brother taking her in to the school.

Here is your name and where your back pack goes.

Find your name on the table then put it on the wall in the right place so we know you are here!

She loves preschool but when I ask her about it she really doesn't have a lot to say. She likes to tease me about it.

Meanea Get Together

Yes, it is a reunion but we don't call it that.

We camped down at Great Grandpa's and Mom and Dad's again this year. All the kids had fun with water games, the new play ground at the park, and other things. It is a long weekend but it always seems to go fast.

Trey enjoying the park.

Yep, that is Grandma up in the air.

Ellie turning fast.

Trey went down the slides a few different times and totally loved it. A big thanks to Paul who had the major task of carrying Trey up there then getting him positioned. You rock, Dad!

The shirt almost came off. But can you see the big smile on his face?

That is fun!

A couple of very tired little kids.

Paul even tried the slide, getting a little stuck at the bottom.

Even with new playground equipment, Zeke and Brett would rather play in the dirt.

Here goes Grandma.

Thanks to my awesome, wonderful, amazing family! I love spending time with you all. We look forward to this weekend all year and it is never a let down. Good company and good food, what more could you ask for?!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Brett's First Day of Kindergarten

August 29, 2011

Annual picture by the front door.

Have a good time Brett!

Wow, Brett is in Kindergarten! I am so excited for him, I think I'm more excited than he is. They sure do a lot more in kindergarten these days than when I was in kindergarten! :) I'm not going to say how long ago that was. :)

On the first day when the bus dropped all the neighborhood kids off, I didn't see Brett. So I asked the bus driver and of coarse with all the new kids he didn't know who Brett was, so I stepped up into the bus and saw him sitting a couple of seats back. I called his name and he was like "oh, hi". Dude, this is your bus stop. He thought the bus would go around in the neighborhood and drop him off closer to his house, nope, not on the way home. Make sure you get off here with your friends.

On the second day Brett wasn't on the bus at all. Where was Brett? Ellie and I rushed home to make phone calls. I had my cell phone in one hand calling the school and the home phone calling the transportation office. I knew that he had been put on the wrong bus by accident but I was still worried because I didn't know where he was and how he was handling this situation.

Quickly learned that he wasn't at the school, he didn't get left behind. So I'm still on the phone with the transportation office. Sitting on hold while the receptionist got a hold of all the bus drivers driving his school routes seemed like forever! Yep, they found him on a different bus and the driver was done with her route and was driving him home. Wow, I am so grateful that he was on that bus and didn't get off at any of the stops thinking he should because he was on the wrong bus. That would have been so awful! With a new school, new kids and new drivers no one would have known which bus and which stop. So I'm so grateful he stayed on that bus!

He got home and I said to him that he had had quite the adventure. We discussed what had happened and what he should do if it happened again. Also, I told him that the next day I would be at the school to make sure he learned which bus to go on. He memorized the sign for the bus that he rides home.

The school has kind of a holding place for the kids to line up, there are volunteers out there helping gets students on the right bus as well and the teachers. It was a accidently and someone read his bus assignment wrong. But to help him be ok with it I was there to help him learn which bus line to get in and to say something if a volunteer thinks he should be in a different line.

It was quite the the learning experience for me and for Brett.

Trey's first day of school

August 22, 2011

Trey's first day of school at a brand new school. Serria Bonita Elementary. This school is much closer to us than his other school, even though it was just down in Springville, but his bus ride was 1 hour and 20 minutes one way. When you have a special needs route the stops are not right together, it's where ever the child lives, so it is spotted through out the area. Plus with budget cuts and shortage of drivers he bus was actually servicing two schools in Springville.

So now his bus ride is about 30 minutes and then coming home in the afternoon just depends on how many kids are on the bus, but usually between 20-30 minutes.

The school is wonderful and big. Trey's classroom has a lot of space and room to work. And Brett's Kindergarten class room is just two doors down the hall.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Spanish Fork Splash Pad

August 12, 2011

After Paul got home from work we had a quick dinner then headed out to the splash pad for some water fun.
There is a new park, only in it's second summer, that is down in Spanish Fork with a wonderful playground and fun splash pad.

Don't you just melt when you see Trey smile?!

Ahhhh, melt again!

After we were done at the splash pad Dad had a wonderful idea of going for frozen yogurt.

Oh, what toppings to put on. Hard decisions.

Brett had to have gummy worms.

The most quite these kids had been all day!

Thanksgiving Point Children's Garden

August 10th, 2011
Paul and I took a little time to take the kids to the children's garden. Such a fun place fun kids to run around and explore and do things. Such a beautful place.

Paul and Ellie exploring the bear cave.

Looks like Trey made a new friend!

Brett following his boat down the little stream. He could have done that all day.

Getting soaking wet in the play pool.

Trey and I getting in on the water action.

Yes, I know Ellie doesn't have a shirt on.