Monday, June 10, 2013

"I was a real bumble bee"

My dear, sweet, little 5 yr old.  She says the funniest things.  Even being at a preschool field trip doesn't stop her.

Ellie's preschool class went to the local fire station for a field trip.  The man there teaching them is really great but he was having a hard time getting the kids to understand that just because he may be in his fire fighter suit that it is still him and the kids shouldn't be scared if they were to see a fire fighter all dressed up. 
So he started talking about how at Halloween the kids get to dress up and pretend they are something different but really it is still them.  He asks Ellie, "What were you for Halloween?".
"A Bumble Bee."
"Were you really a bumble bee or was it just you dressed up?"
"I was a real bumble bee!"

I cracked up.  Trust my daughter to say that.  Of coarse this is the girl who acts like different animals through out the day.

She was also lucky enough to get to try on the fire suit.

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