Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sand Hollow and a Mission Call

Last spring we had such a blast going to Sand Hollow State Park that we decided to go again this year. 
We had a very long day getting down there, between all the potty stops, blown tire on the trailer, getting blown tire replaced, stop for lunch, etc.  It just seemed like we were never going to get down there.  But we finally made it and Paul found us a great spot on the beach next to the water.
That first evening (Friday May 31) it was quite windy but we played any way.
Saturday was awesome playing in the water, rides in Pouncy the Prowler and the kids playing with the cousins.  It was a wonderful day.
Sunday we relaxed and took our time packing up, then headed to my brother John's home to watch my niece open her mission call.

Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Trey making sure dad gets some work done.

Sand boy

Saturday morning we watched Stand Up Paddle Board races

Trey's turn in the Kayak

He did ok this way, but he really liked it when laying down in Brett or Ellie's Kayak and just relaxing and floating around.

Ugh, farmers tan and I'm not even a farmer!

Uncle John helping to bury Brett in the sand

"I hope they call me on a mission"

Chicago, IL Spanish Speaking

One happy family, but they are sure going to miss Allyse when she goes!

1 comment:

ALICIA said...

I'm not too good at keeping up on checking blogs. Glad I finally got around to looking at yours. I can't believe she's old enough to be going on a mission. I remember when she was born. Crazy!!! Such a pretty girl. And what fun pictures at Sand Hollow!