Monday, June 10, 2013

We finally broke down and went . . . .

to Disneyland. 

So we have deliberately waited this long to go to Disneyland.  One, we didn't want to take toddlers.  Two, we wanted them to maybe remember bits and pieces of it.  Three, ugh, Disneyland.  Four, how was Trey going to do with it?

We timed it just right where the park wasn't too busy and where my wonderful niece could skip out on some school and come help us with the kids.  We knew that Trey wasn't going to get to go on a whole lot of rides so someone who need to stay with him.  We also knew that Brett and Ellie wouldn't ride alone on rides so that meant three adults, three kids.  It turned out great and Allyse was such a wonderful help and she taught Brett so many cool things in MineCraft while traveling in the van.

This was a total surprise to the kids, which frankly I'm surprised no one spilled the beans because some people in the ward and neighborhood knew that we were going and many of my family knew.  It all worked out.

Brett didn't even ask any questions when he saw me bring two big suitcases up stairs into my room and stacks of everyone's clothes around. 

So we told the kids we were going to Allyse's Graduation Luncheon Saturday morning.  (BTW, Allyse totally rocks, she graduated with a BS from SUU before she graduated from high school!  I could go on and on about how awesome she is.)

At the luncheon Paul told the kids we are so close to Vegas we might as well go spend the night there.  Oh and ask Allyse if she would like to come with us.

Next morning in Vegas Paul tells them we are close to L.A. (which I don't really think they knew what L.A. was) so we are going to drive there and check it out.  But first let's drive out to Hoover Dam.  The place where the US government was keeping Megatron frozen and the cube locked away. :)

Then we stopped in Baker, CA  for some strawberry milk shakes.
Trey at the tallest thermometer in the world.
From Baker, CA we had quite the adventure with heavy traffic, slow traffic, off interstate scenic route, helping someone else change a flat tire, very long dirt road, and back on the interstate.  That was fun!
We get into L.A. and the kids still have no idea.  As I like back I don't think that Brett or Ellie really knew where Disneyland was.  They have heard of it from friends, commercials, etc. but the location isn't really something that kids these ages understand.

Ellie in the lobby of the hotel with the Disneyland sign right there and she didn't even notice it.

The next morning we told the kids we where going to drive around and see what we could find.  As we got a little closer to the parking area I started dropping hints but they still didn't get it.

We are all on the tram from parking to the gates and they still don't know.

Not until Brett heard the recorded voice on the tram say a couple of times "Welcome to Disneyland" did he start to put it together, then I finally had to say "Guys, we're at Disneyland!"

Pretty cool to see the Iron Man suits

Riding the carousel

Riding the train

"My wheels are cooler!"

The Pixar parade

The Pixar parade

Trey loving the Buzz Light Year ride 

One Cool Dude

If only all that treasure was real

Trey meeting Donald Duck while stretching out in First Aid.
So all in all it was a good trip.  We did the three day park hopper which was perfect for us.  Disneyland one day, California Adventure the second day, then the third day was what we didn't see in Disneyland then the afternoon to hit our favorite rides again.  We left the park when the kids were done and so no meltdowns in that area!  The third day got to be a bit too much for Trey boy.  He was done with the stimulation, the being in his chair all day, and not being in his own bed at home.  He was a trooper though.
Well, we can mark it off the list now.  Thank goodness!  Don't get me wrong, we had a good time and I'm glad we went but honestly I think the family had a better time in San Diego in 2010.  Now the kids can say that they've been.  Now Paul and I can say that we've been and made it through with the kids!
Thanks again to Allyse for coming with us and helping out.


Chris M. said...

Looks like fun was had by all!

ALICIA said...

Yay!! So glad you finally went. It's like my favorite place to go lately. Maybe I'm trying to stay a kid as long as I can. Who knows but anyway the kids and I have a blast when we go. When were you there? We've been several times lately. Wondered if we were there at the same time.