Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ellie's Birthday Outing

As mommy and daddy's birthday present to Ellie for her 3rd Birthday, we took her to Build-A-Bear Workshop and to lunch. We would have done this earlier but between trips and sickness it didn't happen until Feb. 8th.

Here she is with the music rock dog that she picked out, not the one I thought she would've picked but she was adamant about this dog. :) It even has a Jonas Brothers Dog Tag on it. She is picking out the sound she wants put in the dog.

Now she is helping stuff her dog. The foot pedal turns the machine on and off that blows the stuffing in.
She picked up a heart for the dog. Rubbed on her checks, gave it a kiss and put it in the dog.

After the dog is all stitched up, Ellie gave him an air bath.

Here's the fun part, picking out the outfit. It was very nice that she decided easily and fast and she didn't change her mind. Dad did a great job getting the dog dressed.

Ellie with her rolling dog, yup, he is on roller skates!

Ellie and her daddy at lunch, I was there too, but I'm the one always behind the camera:)
We had a wonderful afternoon.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Trey's first friend Birthday Party Invite

Trey came home last week with an invite to a classmates birthday party. I was so excited and thought "how cool is this!" I decided right then and there, for Trey's 9th birthday in June he is going to have his first friend party. Why not? I've had questions and concerns about doing a friend party, but what the heck, we are going to do it and it will be great.
Anyway back to this party. Paul took him because I still had a nasty cough and sinus issues so I didn't want to be around these special little people and risk getting them sick. Paul text me these two pictures and messages about how much fun Trey was having.

Picture below: Wyatt, Trey, Grant
The 3 Amigos
Trey and I have know Wyatt and his family for several years now, through the OT at Early Intervention.
Grant is Trey's classmate and it was his party. Happy Birthday Grant!


So on Thursday the 3rd of Feb. Brett brought home a fish from preschool. I was surprised but I thought that it was a pretty cool thing. The kids had made a little aquarium from a jar and put the rocks in it. The fish was in the bag from the store, so when he got it home we put the water and fish in the jar and fed him a little bit. The kids where excited and honestly I was a bit excited too. I had thought on and off for a couple of years now about getting some fish, now it was done for me.
I had fish a long time ago when I was young and my neighbors had a big aquarium in their living room, but it had been so long since I had been around fish or knew anything about them.
The note from preschool said to give the fish a little tiny pinch of food twice a day, not to over feed because then the fish would over eat and die.
Friday night at dinner, Brett got up to check on the fish and he said "oh, it's at the top". He didn't know what that meant, but Paul and I said pretty much at the same time, "it's dead". Sure enough, the little guy was dead. I think we over fed him, or it was a combination of things. Brett was sad, he cried.

Below is Fish #1

Paul and I decided we might as well just get an aquarium, it would be fun for the kids.
On Saturday we went to PetSmart and got the aquarium kit and info on fish but we didn't get the fish yet because we needed to set up the aquarium, check for leaks, test the water, filter the water for 48 hrs, and heat the water up. Yes, we learned alot that day.
Paul and the kids set up the aquarium that afternoon while I took a nap, yep, I'm a slacker but my cold from a couple of weeks before had come back with a vengence and was taking a toll on me.
Monday night for FHE we went back to PetSmart to pick out a fish for each kid. They had a great time and Trey really liked looking at all those tanks and the fish moving around. After dinner we put the fish in their new home.

Today is Friday, so not quite a week yet, but no deaths to report!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

10th Anniversary

Paul and I have been married for 10 years now (Jan. 26). 10 years, yeah I now, crazy huh?!
Paul took care of everything and swept me away to Miami and Key West for several days.
We both were trying to recover from being sick the week before and it was a bit chilly in Miami and Key West while we were there. So we didn't sit out on the beach much. We slept in until 11 am on most of the days and we went sight seeing and took in the culture. It was a great week and I loved being with my hubby!

Casa Marina Resort at Key West.

We took a boat ride in Miami and it took us around to some of the mansions on the water way. This is Shaq's old house that was bought by someone and being renovated.

Key West, FL

At the top of a outlook in Key West that people back in the day, would use to spot ship wrecks so they could go out and salvage the wrecks.

View from our balcony of our room at Casa Marina. Just beyond the pool and palm trees you can see a little bit of the ocean and beach.

The resident chickens and her chicks.
Thanks for a great trip, sweetie! I had a wonderful time. A big thanks to the grandma's for staying with the kids while we were gone.

Ellie's 3rd Birthday

Happy 3rd Birthday to my Ellie Jean.
What a wonderful little girl you have become. You love to read and look at books, you could do it for hours. You and Brett play really well together, when you want to. I love that you still love to snuggle so much. Most of the things you do and say make us laugh, you are a silly, smart, beautiful and fun girl. We love you!

Yes, Dora is green. We all had been really sick the days preceding this cake and I was so sick that I guess I thought Dora should look sick too! Everyone kept telling me the cake looked great but I know better :)

Panda Pillow Pet

Blow out the candle!